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Back to school in Anthem

12 August . 2016

Back-To-School Tips and Tricks

School season is upon us! We try to prepare for it, but every year we find ourselves scrambling just to get everything in order. Here are a few tips that may make your transition from summer to fall a smidge less difficult.


Get Organized. We know this one is easier said than done, but you don’t have to reorganize your entire home to simplify your life. Our pro tip is to first focus on the spaces your family uses most. Start with your mudroom or space by the door—you know, that place where the kids throw their backpacks, school papers, and shoes. It doesn’t matter if that space is by the front door or in the garage. Purchase plastic bins for shoes, drill in several sturdy coat hangers, and add wicker baskets for school papers and mail. You could even personalize the coat hooks and bins with fun labels. Tour one of Anthem’s new CalAtlantic homes to get a true sense of what an organized mud room can bring to your home and why organizing this space can save you hours of clean-up at night!


At the end of every week, have the kiddos put away their shoes in the closet and go through their school papers to determine what needs to be saved and what can be recycled. Organizing that space doesn’t have to be stressful; make it something that’s fun for the whole family. The kids can share their school stories with you while you teach them the importance of taking care of their space.


Now that you’ve organized the drop-off area, you can focus on more pressing issues— food!


Prep in advance. Preparing lunches and breakfasts for a family can be a time-consuming hassle. Prepping meals for the week on Sunday might feel a little overwhelming at first, but once you get into the swing of things, time just zips by. And get the entire family involved! Try making breakfast sammies or burritos right after your Sunday brunch and freeze them so the fam can pop them in the microwave before they’re off to school or work. You can also place cereals, yogurt, and fruits in sealable containers in the fridge for a quick, healthy breakfast on the go.


For lunches, purchase bento boxes and fill them with meats, cheeses, fruits, and nuts. You can toss together a week’s worth of lunches in minutes! Stack them in the fridge, and all you have to do is move them into the kids’ lunch boxes the night before. Invest in water bottles and try filling half with water (add seasonal fruit for a splash of flavor) and put in the freezer overnight. Fill to the top with water in the morning—the ice will slowly melt throughout the day.


Get your family on the same calendar. If you’re not down to paint a wall with chalkboard or magnetic paint (which we strongly suggest just because it’s so fun), then a large erasable calendar will serve just as nicely to keep track of reminders and organizers for events and chores alike. Sure, we’re all connected to our mobile device calendars, but sometimes it’s nice to disconnect and write things down so the entire family can see what they need to accomplish or what everyone else is up to during the week. It’s also a fabulous way to get the young ones to feel like they’re participating in family events. Be sure to update your calendar with the many Anthem events taking place every month! Ask your kids to add one thing they’d like to do during the week to the calendar. Your family calendar will keep you organized and create a sense of shared goals.


We understand that back-to-school is an exciting time; we’d love to hear your favorite tricks and tips that make your family’s transition from summer fun to school year easy. Share your favorites in the comments section below!